Articles Articles Muftee, M. (2023) Navigating and Countering Everyday Antimuslim Racism: The Case ofMuslim Women in Sweden. Critical Sociology Muftee, M. (2023) Poetiska homeplaces: Reflektioner och samtal om muslimsksubjektivitet inom spoken word och poesi. Tidskrift för genusvetenskap 43(1): 27–48. Muftee, M. & León Rosales, R. (2022) “We just want to make art” – Women withexperiences of racial othering reflect on art, activism, and representation” EuropeanJournal of Women’s Studies. 29(4): 559-576. Muftee, M, & Nilsson PE. (2022) Introduction to the special issue on racism andreligion. Critical Research on Religion. 10(2): 133–136. Muftee, M. (2017) ”Vidarebosättning, Sverigeprogram och föreställningen om den ’passiva flyktingen’”, Sociologisk Forskning, 54(1-2) pp. 111-132. Muftee, M. and Lundberg, A. (2016) Providing Rights Through Individual Compassion: The ambivalent rights talk within refugee resettlement work. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 6(3), pp.140–147. Mehek Muftee (2014) Empowering refugee girls: a study of cultural orientation programs in Kenya and Sudan, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 9(1) pp.44-60. Muftee, M. (2014) Hani – En av få kvotflyktingar i världen. Artikel 14. 4.2014 Thesis Muftee, M. (2014). “That will be your home”: Resettlement preparations for children and youth from the Horn of Africa (Doctoral dissertation, Linköping University Electronic Press).